Before creating an advertisement please read through our Terms of Service and the online sale advertisement guide.
Advertisement rules and requirements
Select cryptocurrency ticker
For online trade you need to specify the country
National bank transfer Wire transfer within a specific country
The risk level of selling cryptocurrency online with this payment method is
Margin you want over the cryptocurrency market price. Use a negative value for buying or selling under the market price to attract more contacts. For more complicated pricing edit the price equation directly.
Trade price with current market value USD / BTC
The trade price is determined from the hourly market price. For more information on trading price equations see pricing FAQ . Please note that the advertiser is always responsible for all payment processing fees.
Pay attention that the minimum transaction limit can't be less than usd
Maximum transaction limit in one trade. For online sells, your Bitcoin Global wallet balance may limit the maximum fundable trade also.
Other information you wish to tell about your trade
Example 1: This advertisement is only for bank transfers.
Example 2: Please send request only if you can complete the payment within 2 hours.
Within how many minutes do you promise to initiate the payment.
Working hours
Verified only
To contact your advertisement, users need to verify their identity by passing Bitcoin Global verification procedure
Track liquidity
This option limits the liquidity of this advertisement to the max. transaction limit. Buyers cannot open and complete trades for more than this amount.
Example: With track liquidity turned on and max transaction limit set to 100 USD when a buyer opens a trade for 20 USD the max transaction limit is automatically decreased to 80 USD. It returns to 100 USD if the buyer cancels the trade, and stays at 80 USD if the trade is completed.